Managing the Unpredictable Nature of Aging

Facial Rejuvenation San Antonio TX | Anti-Aging Aging is a process that humans have spent the last several hundred years trying to stop. By now, we realize that we cannot keep the body young forever. On the flip side, we have discovered several strategies that have enables us to improve the various aspects of life. As we age, we are better able to keep our bright, shining smile (just about 100 years ago, this was not so common!).

Older individuals also don’t have to live with deep creases across the forehead, or sagging skin anywhere else on the body. At any given time, it is possible for the average person to say enough is enough. This may come as a surprise, but saying this doesn’t have to mean making a call to a cosmetic plastic surgeon. Your San Antonio dermatologist Dr. Vivian Bucay spends a great deal of time investigating innovative non-surgical treatments for facial and body rejuvenation.

Correct Your Age-Related Issues

You may be aware of the various ways that your doctor can help you manage issues like frown lines or deflated lips. There’s more to looking young than smoothing out a few lines, though. Some of the common age-related issues that we correct include:

  • Lines and sagging on the neck. Volume loss and laxity in superficial tissues occur all over the body, not just on the face. When the skin on the neck loses resiliency, it is difficult to hide your age. Submental fullness, also called a double-chin, may develop as the skin is no longer able to secure underlying fat tissue. This can be reduced with a few Kybella treatments. Long-term firmness can be promoted with Ultherapy, and lines can be reduced with dermal fillers and Botox.
  • Heavy eyes. Aging eyes can be incredibly problematic and frustrating, especially if you think your only solution is to have eyelid rejuvenation surgery. In our San Antonio offices, patients realize this drastic step may not be necessary. Often, heavy eyes are the result of a drooping brow that is pulled downward by chronic muscle contraction. A quick Botox treatment may be all that is needed to makeover the eyes into a younger, friendlier facial feature.
  • Aged hands. We tend to forget about the hands as we go about our anti-aging routine. This area is so prominent, though, that neglecting to correct volume loss here could negate all the effort we put into reducing facial aging. Aging hands can be revitalized with dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane.

We understand the various ways that aging may affect the skin, and we offer the kind of personal care you need to manage beauty in the way that best suits you. Contact our La Casita or Sonterra office for friendly assistance.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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