Acne Treatment in San Antonio, TX

Acne Cure in San Antonio

Acne is a common skin condition, which can affect adults and adolescents.You have pilosebaceous units all over your body, with the exception of your palms, feet, and lower lip. They are most plentiful on your face, chest, and neck. Each unit is comprised of a sebaceous gland, a hair follicle, and a hair. The gland produces sebum, an oily substance, which keeps hair and skin moisturized. It serves a vital function, moisturizing and protecting the skin and hair. However, like other oils, it becomes sticky in excess and causes particles to cling. During times of hormonal stress (adolescence, pregnancy, and menopause), those glands are more likely to produce excess sebum, which then feeds bacteria on the skin. This mixes with skin flakes and other debris, plugging the pore. Once pores are clogged, additional oil and other matter accumulate, because they are trapped. This warm, moist, closed space is the ideal environment for bacteria to multiply which results in a pimple – or lots of them.

Why Acne Treatment is Important

Acne can be painful, but it is not considered a threat to your overall health. In fact, many people (who do not have acne) consider it no more than a nuisance. However, untreated acne can lead to permanent physical scarring. Furthermore, the potential for emotional scarring is grossly underestimated.

According to an extensive study, which was published in BJD (British Journal of Dermatology) the emotional, social, and psychological impact of acne is comparable to that of conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, and epilepsy.

How Acne is Treated

Purported acne cures abound, from home remedies to retail products to dermatological treatments. This condition can be controlled but, despite the claims of some products, there is no magic formula guaranteed to end acne forever. Effective therapy needs to be tailored to your skin type, the severity of your acne, any other skin conditions you have, and many other factors.

Recommended treatment may include:

  • Oral medication such as antibiotics to control bacteria
  • Topical medications including ingredients to kill bacteria, reduce oil, and improve skin health
  • Laser therapy can reduce bacteria
  • Chemical peels can help clean the pores and control bacteria
  • Extraction procedures may be used to remove cysts
  • Non-irritating, possibly medicated, skin care products and cosmetics

Chemical Peels for Acne Treatment

Your skin protects and cushions your organs, and helps maintain body temperature. When it looks smooth and healthy, it enhances your appearance and self-esteem while carrying out those vital functions. However, acne breakouts, the number one complexion problem, can leave you hating your skin. Dr. Vivian Bucay has professional solutions, including chemical peels.

Exfoliation is your body’s natural process of shedding dead skin cells. This keeps the epidermis (top layer) healthy and looking fresh. Occasionally, cell renewal and exfoliation need a jump-start to restore the skin’s healthy surface and glow. A chemical peel is a carefully controlled means of accelerating exfoliation. It opens pores, refines texture, and reduces pigmentation spots. A chemical peel is an effective means of combating the elements that block sebaceous glands and lead to breakouts. Medical grade chemical peels require experience and training and should be carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist, the medical professional dedicated to skin health and wellness.

Dr. Vivian Bucay starts with a thorough consultation that includes the evaluation and treatment of any underlying causes of acne. She’ll personally analyze your skin type, consider the extent of your acne, learn about your current medical situation, and listen to your concerns. If you both agree that a chemical peel (or a planned series of peels) will benefit your acne condition, she will provide you with instruction and products to prepare your skin for treatment.

The outpatient procedure is performed at Dr. Bucay’s office in San Antonio. Your skin is cleansed to remove every trace of makeup and oil. Then, a precisely prepared solution containing chemical exfoliants such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, or trichloroacetic, is applied to the skin.

Will a Chemical Peel Hurt my Skin?

A stinging sensation is normal as these agents go to work, but every precaution is taken to ensure your comfort so that you may relax. Staff monitors your wellbeing and progress throughout the procedure until the peel is neutralized. A calming cream and sunscreen are then applied to protect your skin.

Recovery After Acne Treatment With a Chemical Peel

Depending on the depth of the peel, you may experience temporary redness or flaking. Dr. Bucay will provide post-procedure instructions for an optimal outcome.

Pores are opened and sebaceous glands are unblocked as the surface layers slough off. Acne inflammation recedes and future breakouts are minimized. Your skin looks smooth and refreshed. You’ll see refinement in the discoloration, depressions, and unevenness left by old acne scars, too.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Vivian Bucay is a board certified dermatologist, and fellow of the AAD (American Academy of Dermatology). She has the expertise to help you choose the best skin care products and regimen, in addition to providing customized treatment. Call the Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics in San Antonio at 210.692.3000 and schedule your appointment today.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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