Fungal skin infections are an extremely common, yet temporary skin condition. Dr. Vivian Bucay specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of fungal skin infections.
Scheduling an office visit with Dr. Bucay can help you better understand fungal skin infections and receive a personalized treatment plan for your condition.
What are some Types of Fungal Skin Infections?
There are several different types of skin conditions that are classified as fungal skin infections. Athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch, and yeast infections are all very common types of fungal skin infections that impact people of all ages.
What Parts of the Body are Impacted by Fungal Skin Infections?
Fungal skin infections can happen on any part of the body. However, they usually occur on parts of the skin that are kept wet/moist and dark.
The parts of the body that are impacted will depend upon what type of fungal skin infection is present. For example, athlete’s foot typically occurs between the toes or on the soles of the feet, while jock itch occurs on the inner thighs, buttocks, or genitalia. Ringworm can occur anywhere on the body.
How are Fungal Skin Infections Diagnosed?
Dr. Vivian Bucay can often diagnosis the different types of fungal skin infections with a brief physical exam. This physical examination allows her to take a close look at the infection.
During the examination, she may ask you some questions regarding your day-to-day activities, exposure to certain pets/conditions, and previous medical history. All of this information is helpful in diagnosing a fungal skin infection.
Occasionally, Dr. Bucay may want to rule out other skin conditions. If this should happen, she will take a skin biopsy. A lab will look at the skin biopsy under a microscope and rule out any other skin conditions.
What Treatments are Available for Fungal Skin Infections?
Once a diagnosis is made of a fungal skin infection, Dr. Bucay and her staff will help you create a customized treatment plan. The type of treatment that is recommended will vary depending upon the type of fungal skin infection. Some of the most common treatment options for fungal skin infections include over-the-counter antifungal creams/lotions, prescription strength topical creams, and oral antifungal pills.
In addition to these treatment options, Dr. Bucay will work with you on how to prevent these fungal skin infections from reoccurring. Preventative measures such as keeping your skin dry, washing right after vigorous activity, and avoiding contact with an individual who has a fungal infection can help keep you from developing a fungal skin infection.