ResurFX in San Antonio, TX

At Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, we’re proud to add the latest technology in laser resurfacing to our treatment options. It’s called Lumenis® ResurFX™. This is the latest technology in fractional laser resurfacing. It works well on all skin types and is even gentle enough to use on the neck and chest.

Lumenis® ResurFX™ is marked contrast to CO2 laser resurfacing where the top layer of the skin is ablated, requiring many days of involved recovery. Lumenis® ResurFX™ gives our patients firmer, tighter skin, and evens out texture and tone. And it does it more comfortably than other options.

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What is ResurFX Laser Resurfacing?

If you follow the aesthetic industry, you’ve no doubt heard of fractional resurfacing. Lumenis® ResurFX™ is the latest technology in fractional resurfacing. The idea is to impact only a fraction of the surface skin. Laser energy creates hundreds of microchannels through the epidermis (the skin’s outer layer) down into the dermis (the skin’s second layer). When the light energy enters the dermis it converts to heat. When the body senses heat in the dermis layer, it believes it has been wounded, and initiates a wound-healing response. This involves immediate remodeling of the collagen in the area, along with the production of new collagen and elastin. Since collagen provides the skin’s underlying structural support, and elastin makes the skin pliable and supple, these changes improve skin texture and firmness.

The microscopic channels on the skin are surrounded by untouched skin, which goes about healing the adjacent skin almost instantly. In fact, the punctures created are fully healed within just a few hours. This damage/healing process breaks down stretch marks, acne scars, and pigmentation problem areas.

What Skin Problems Does Fractional Resurfacing Treat?

The Lumenis® ResurFX™ system is tailored to address various signs of skin aging. We use it to treat these skin issues:

  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Sun and age spots
  • Stretch marks
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Acne scars
  • Fine wrinkles and lines
  • Loose skin

What Areas Can Be Treated?

At The Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, we use ResurFX on the face, hands, neck, and chest.

Am I a Candidate For ResurFX Skin Resurfacing?

If you have the above-mentioned signs of aging but aren’t interested in aggressive ablative procedures, Lumenis® ResurFX™ could be a great option for you. This procedure is good for all skin types and tones. The only patients not right for this treatment are for those with active infections; viral, fungal, or bacterial diseases; inflammatory skin conditions; or skin cancer.

Laser Resurfacing With ResurFX

You’ll need to arrive at our LaCasita or Sonterra offices for your Lumenis® ResurFX™ treatment about one hour prior to your laser session. This is so we can apply a topical anesthetic to the treatment areas. We also recommend an oral sedative, as well, to help you relax during the procedure and allow us to deliver the most effective treatment settings.

Next, the Lumenis® ResurFX™ laser scanner is set to a random pattern. It then delivers laser pulses automatically over the treatment area while the handpiece is placed over the skin. The laser delivers heat to a certain depth of the skin and the sensation is warm and prickly (hence the local anesthetic). Only one pass is required.

It may seem as if the laser energy could burn your skin, but the combination of topical numbing cream and air cooling provided by the Lumenis® ResurFX™ system keeps you comfortable during the procedure. A session usually takes just 15-30 minutes.

Is The Procedure Painful?

Our Bucay patients tell us they feel a warm or slightly prickly sensation as the bursts of laser energy are delivered. But thanks to ResurFX’s patented cooling method and the topical anesthetic, the procedure doesn’t involve any pain.

What Results Can I Expect?

After a Lumenis® ResurFX™ session, you’ll have some swelling and redness for a few days. This resolves relatively quickly and you’ll notice improvements with your skin. It will feel firmer and look younger. Pigmentation issues will appear lighter and will continue to improve. As your body produces new collagen and elastin in response to the fractional “wounds,” your results will continue to improve. ResurFX is a good procedure to have on a Thursday or Friday because your swelling and redness should be gone by Monday. You’ll also need to be careful about sun exposure because your skin will be very sensitive to UV damage for two to three weeks.

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Your results are not immediate. Remember, the body has to begin building new supplies of collagen. After your swelling and redness pass, you’ll begin to see improvements in your skin in one to two weeks, and these will continue to improve for up to 3-4 months.

How Many ResurFX Treatments do I Need?

We find that patients typically opt for a series of 3-5 ResurFX™ treatments, as the new collagen and elastin continues to build. Treatments are spaced one month apart.

Are There Side Effects With ResurFX?

The Lumenis® ResurFX™ has been cleared for use by the FDA. Since this procedure is non-ablative, it is extremely well tolerated by our patients. As with any procedure, there are some rare risks that we will discuss with you prior to treatment. ResurFX is safe and comfortable.

ResurFX vs. IPL Treatment

IPL is considered ablative, whereas ResurFX is non-ablative. This means IPL is more invasive and will require some recovery time for the skin to heal. ResurFX doesn’t really require any recovery, but its results aren’t as enduring as ablative IPL. IPL is best for eliminating hyperpigmentation and overall redness. It reduces age spots, areas of sun damage, and surface capillaries. ResurFX improves skin texture, laxity, and tone. It reduces the appearance of stretch marks, acne scarring, and fine lines.

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in ResurFX and would like to see if you are a candidate, contact our office today. ResurFX is available at both our La Casita 210.692.3000) and Sonterra 210.370.9995) locations.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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