Juvederm in San Antonio, TX


For many people when they think of the signs of aging, the first things they think of are wrinkles. Crow’s feet, the 11s, wrinkles under the eyes. They don’t think much about volume loss, probably because it’s happening under the skin. But if you compare photos of the same person at age 20 or 25 and then at 50, in most cases it’s volume loss that shows itself the most.

How? The cheeks that were plump and relatively round are now hollow and flat. The area around the mouth looks sunken, and lines have formed around the mouth and from the nose downward. Gaunt wouldn’t be the right word, but sunken, saggy, and loose could probably be pretty apt.

At Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics in San Antonio, we use the Juvéderm® family of dermal fillers to replace this lost volume for our patients, and take five to 10 years off their visible age.

What is Juvéderm?

Dermal fillers are true to their name in how they work. They “fill” the space created by volume loss or the depressed area of a wrinkle or crease. They are injected under the skin in the target area and fill in the void. There are naturally derived and synthetic dermal fillers.

Juvederm Ultra XC 4C

Juvéderm® is a family of naturally derived dermal fillers that are made of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that occurs naturally in the human body.

Juvederm is responsible for plumping and firming the skin, as well as lubricating the joints.

Why Does The Face Lose Volume?

Volume loss is a natural part of the aging process, but there are a couple of culprits who merit much of the blame — collagen and elastin. Collagen is a protein that is responsible for providing structural support under the skin to keep it firm and taut. Elastin keeps the skin supple and pliable.

The problem is that after we hit the age of 20, our bodies begin to produce dramatically less and less of these two proteins that together keep the skin looking young. In fact, from your 20th to your 50th birthday, your production of collagen drops 30 percent. Hello sunken cheeks and saggy skin.

How Does Juvéderm Work?

All Juvederm fillers work the same way. Once injected under the skin in the target area, the hyaluronic acid in the filler binds with nearby water molecules to fill the area and hydrate and plump the skin. Different Juvederm products target different areas of the face and the lips.

What Are The Uses For Juvéderm?

You may appreciate parentheses if you’re writing and you need to make an aside. You don’t appreciate them when they show up on your face. Parentheses are the lines that are shaped like parentheses and form at the corners of your mouth. Nasolabial folds, also called smile or laugh lines, are the lines that run from the lower part of your nose down to your mouth. Juvéderm® XC targets these volume loss problems around the mouth, filling these lines from beneath.


Types Of Juvederm Injectable Fillers

The Juvederm family of fillers include the following:


Juvederm Ultra And Juvederm Ultra Plus

Juvederm Ultra and Ultra plus attract more water post-injection creating more volume and some swelling. They are great for adding volume to the lips and the lower face. Juvederm Ultra usually lasts about 6 months. Juvederm Ultra usually lasts about 6-10 months.

JUV Ultra XC web 1
Juvederm Con ULTRA PLUS XC k 1

Juvederm Voluma

Juvederm Voluma is considered excellent for lifting the sagging midface and sculpting the jawline. When small injected in the right areas of the midface, changes can be seen in nasolabial folds, jowls, and tear troughs. It returns the plumpness that is a tenet of more youthful cheeks. Voluma lasts the longest of all Juvederm fillers, about 18-24 months.

Juvederm Vollure

Juvederm Vollure can correct deep dermal contour deformities, and add volume in the lips, cheeks, chin, and lower face. It still provides some hydration without over plumping areas around expression lines and tear troughs. Results can bee seen up to 18 months and is the favorite injectable for the lips.

Juvederm Volbella

Juvederm Volbella can be used in the thin-skinned areas such as around the mouth and in sunken tear troughs. It is super soft filler that provides a smoothing gloss effect to lips removing unwanted lines. Volbella can last up to 12 months.

Side Effects Of Juvéderm

The most common side effects include tenderness, swelling, firmness, lumps/bumps, bruising, slight pain, redness, and mild itching at the injection sites. Juvéderm Voluma® XC is somewhat thicker than Juvederm XC, so these side effects, although rare, are moderately uncomfortable and may last two weeks and sometimes longer. Any side effects with Juvéderm® XC tend to pass after a week or so.

These side effects have proven to be generally rare, but are moderately uncomfortable and can last for two weeks and sometimes longer.

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Schedule a consultation

Each of us ages in a way that is unique to us. You can have more control over your own aging process with the help of Dr. Vivian Bucay and Dr. Rachna Bhandari. Contact our offices in La Casita and Sonterra for more information. Dr. Vivian Bucay and Dr. Rachna Bhandari proudly serve San Antonio TX and surrounding areas.

Juvederm Ultra Plus XC 4C
juvederm volbella san antonio tx
Juvederm Ultra XC 4C

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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