AviClear in San Antonio, TX

Why Choose Aviclear?

AviClear is a laser treatment that specifically targets the source of acne-the oils on your skin.
Achieve lasting results in three, 30-minute treatment sessions with no downtime, no prescriptions and no harmful side effects.

Benefits Of Aviclear


AviClear treats active acne and helps prevent future acne by suppressing the sebaceous glands.


AviClear treats active acne and helps prevent future acne by suppressing the sebaceous glands.


AviClear is designed with AviCoolTM contact cooling technology that allows for a safe and comfortable treatment experience.


AviClear treatments are convenient and fit into the busiest of schedules. Each treatment session should last approximately 30 minutes.

Am I A Candidate For Aviclear?

AviClear is ideal for patients searching for a safe and effective alternative to traditional acne treatments. The treatment is safe for all skin types and tones, and can be used on adolescents and adults.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

AviClear was evaluated on the face. Ask your provider to evaluate your skin and determine if other problematic areas can be treated.

What Does The Aviclear Treatment Feel Like?

During treatment, you may notice a light snapping sensation. In clinical studies, patients tolerated the treatment well and were very satisfied with the treatment experience and outcomes.

What Should I Expect After Treatment?

After the AviClear treatment, you may experience mild redness and swelling from one hour up to two days. Acne flare-ups may occur, but are temporary and should resolve with time. We recommend applying SPF 30+ sunblock daily throughout your treatment series.

When Will I See Results?

You should start seeing results around 3-4 weeks after your last treatment session. Results may continue to improve with time.

What Is the Success Rate of AviClear?

The success rate of AviClear depends on the patient. However, it has been reported that around 90 percent of patients who use AviClear saw vast improvement. About 87 percent of patients have reported seeing half of their acne disappear. Keep in mind that every patient will respond differently to AviClear treatment, so it is best not to compare your results with others.

What Is the Pre-Treatment?

Before using AviClear, you need to refrain from using alcohol, blood-thinning medicines, and supplements. The dermatologist will advise you not to use exfoliants, retinoids, and certain skincare products. This is because these could potentially interfere with the AviClear treatment.

Some recipients of AviClear may also be given a topical lightening cream to use at least two weeks before the initial treatment. In some cases, you might have to use this cream for an entire month before receiving AviClear treatment.

What Are the Benefits of AviClear?

AviClear comes with numerous benefits such as reducing the chance of a breakout and helping improve your complexion as well as the texture of your skin. Furthermore, the results from AviClear are long-lasting, so you can enjoy smooth, clear, and healthy skin for up to nine months. The results' duration depends on how well you take care of your skin.

Another benefit of AviClear is that you do not have to worry about downtime. A lot of skincare treatments may require downtime, which can impede your schedule. AviClear, on the other hand, has no downtime, so you can jump right back into the fray once your treatment is completed.

What Are the Risks of AviClear?

Similar to many skincare treatments, there are potential risks of AviClear you need to be aware of. Although mild, it is possible for you to experience redness, inflammation, and potential flare-ups. If you experience any of these symptoms and they become worse, contact the dermatologist immediately.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for AviClear?

The ideal candidate for AviClear is someone who suffers from acne, which has not responded to other types of treatment. People with darker skin tones are not ideal candidates for AviClear as they have an increased risk of experiencing hyperpigmentation.

Before & After Aviclear

June 7

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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