Coolsculpting ELITE in San Antonio, TX

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What Is Coolsculpting Elite?

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The names for it are so cute. We’ve all heard the classic “muffin top,” “spare tire,” “love handles,” and “pooch.” Or, perhaps the more creative “dunlop disease,” “mommy muffin,” or “extra storage.” No matter how inventive the moniker, stubborn deposits of fat aren’t funny – they can wreck your figure, your wardrobe, and your self-image. Coolsculpting Elite is a body treatment that is ideal for those looking to permanently reduce fat on certain areas of the body.Here at the Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, we understand it can be hard to justify taking time away for a cosmetic treatment. This is why we offer Coolsculpting Elite appointments at 7am and during lunchtime! Feel free to call and schedule your hassle-free appointment today!

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Candidates For Fat Freezing Treatments

The worst part is this – you aren’t lazy. You take care of yourself by eating right and working out. Regardless, ladies, do those slim new jeans still bulge in the worst places? Guys, are you no longer willing to shed that shirt at the gym or beach? Yet you are a long way from considering the risks of liposuction or other invasive proceduresDr. Vivian Bucay has some good news for you – Coolsculpting Elite.


What Makes Us Different?

Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics was one of the first medical practices in San Antonio to offer Coolsculpting Elite. Since 2014, we have performed over 2,000 treatments, and are proud to be recognized as a Preferred Coolsculpting Elite office. Melissa Valdez, our Coolsculpting Elite Specialist, attended Coolsculpting Elite University in California to go through extensive training & education to perfect her technique. Here at Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, we look forward to being a part of your total transformation!

The Only Coolsculpting Elite Master In San Antonio, TX!

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Melissa Valdez, Licensed Medical Aesthetician, Body Contouring Specialist

Allergan recognizes that Melissa Valdez of the Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics has attended and completed the Coolsculpting Elite University training Program. Melissa Valdez is currently the FIRST and ONLY Coolsculpting Elite Master in San Antonio, Texas.

Melissa is a graduate of the Coolsculpting Elite University in Pleasanton, California. She has performed over 1,000 Coolsculpting Elite treatments!

We are in the Cool Club!

In recognition of over 1,000 Coolsculpting Elite treatments performed!

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Benefits Of Coolsculpting Elite

There are some great benefits of Coolsculpting Elite. Adults don’t produce new fat cells, so the ones eliminated by the Coolsculpting Elite process won’t ever come back. Dr. Bucay offers Dual Coolsculpting Elite so multiple areas can be treated at once!

5 Reasons Why Dr. Bucay Loves Coolsculpting Elite

  1. We have TWO systems so we can treat TWICE the amount of fat in just HALF the amount of time!
  2. Melissa is best at what she does and has a great eye
  3. My patient’s happiness with their results
  4. The fabulous new tools we have to treat batwings and bra fat!
  5. My own decreased bra fat!

How Does Coolsculpting Elite Work?

Freeze away fat? It comes down to science. Fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than their surrounding tissues. Coolsculpting Elite technology is safe, and delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target fat cells underneath the skin. The treated fat cells are crystallized ( or frozen), and then die. Over time, your body will naturally process the fat and eliminate these dead cells, leaving a more sculpted you.

Is Fat Freezing Safe?

The Coolsculpting Elite Procedure

This procedure was developed through Harvard research and it is so unique that it is patented. A targeted area is gently pulled into the device and cooled to the point that fat cells beneath the skin are destroyed. You’ll feel a temporary, intense cold sensation on the skin. Otherwise, you relax during the treatment session.

The process does not harm skin or other tissues – there is no anesthetic, needles, cutting, or scarring. Coolsculpting Elite is FDA-cleared for treatment of fat deposits in nine areas of the body and Dr. Bucay has every tool to treat those!

The talented team at Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics apply their skill and experience to get great results on the flanks, abdomen, thighs, upper arms, neck and more.


Coolsculpting Elite Patient Shares Her Experience

"During the procedure, I felt about 3 minutes of cold, and that was it. I actually napped the second time I did it, and YES, I have had a procedure done at lunch and returned to work. Now that Vivian has two machines, I did 4 areas in about 1 hour 15 minutes. Post-procedure can feel a little bit achy, but nothing a couple of Tylenol could not manage."

- Gloria Z. Canseco

Cut Treatment Time In Half

Here at the Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, we offer two options to cut your treatment time short! With two Coolsculpting Elite machines, Dr. Vivian Bucay is able to offer Dual Coolsculpting Elite. Dual Coolsculpting Elite allows Dr. Bucay to treat two areas of the body at once. This means shorter treatment time and less appointment making.

Dr. Vivian Bucay also has a CoolAdvantage applicator that cuts treatment time in half! While Coolsculpting Elite can take up to an hour, CoolAdvantage allows treatment to be done in just under 35 minutes! You can now combine Dual Coolsculpting Elite and CoolAdvantage to treat multiple areas in a shorter amount of time.

Z Wave And Coolsculpting Elite

Zimmer Z Wave is a radial shockwave unit that can be used with cool sculpting treatments to significantly enhance the results. Using Cool sculpting with Z wave can improve skin firmness, skin elasticity, and collagen regeneration. Z Wave is considered to be very comfortable and safe.

When Will I See The Results Of My Coolsculpting Elite Treatment?

You may begin to see results in about three weeks, and over the next few months, the body naturally eliminates the crystallized fat cells. Depending on the area of treatment, a single session takes about an hour in Dr. Bucay’s office. There is no downtime, follow-up procedure, or supplements to take. You simply begin to look better in and out of your clothes, naturally. Results and experience may vary.

Cost Of Coolsculpting Elite

The price for Coolsculpting Elite procedures varies depending on your areas of concern. Pricing for your Coolsculpting Elite treatment also varies depending on the the number of sessions needed and your ultimate goals. Our staff at the Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics will help create a customized treatment plan, in person, that’s tailored to your body, your goals, and your budget.

How Long Will My Coolsculpting Elite Results Last?

You maintain your sleek new look with sensible diet and exercise. (If you do gain weight, it will be in other areas as those untreated fat cells expand.) Also, you won’t get “shrinkles” from Coolsculpting Elite – the sagging skin that can follow crash diets, liposuction, or bariatric surgery.

No supplements or pills are required post Coolsculpting Elite treatment and you do not have to adopt new diet or exercise habit. Many of our patients feel more motivated to take care of themselves after Coolsculpting Elite. It is as if they get a second lease on their body and want to start anew again by taking even better care of themselves!

"I cannot say enough nice things about the nurse assistant and staff at the pleasant Monte Vista ‘cottage’ location. I scheduled an appointment, got text reminders, and was seen quickly once I arrived. After the first visit, I was scheduled for a follow-up for evaluate and for me to voice any concerns. I was very pleased with the the interest and involvement of my health"

- Madeleine B.

Schedule Your Coolsculpting Elite Consultation In San Antonio!

Coolsculpting Elite is owned by Allergan and you can now earn points with Alle! Contact our office for a Coolsculpting Elite consultation today! Call our La Casita location at  210.692.3000. Melissa will accommodate your schedule and book your Coolsculpting Elite appointment at our La Casita location in the early morning or on our lunch break if necessary. Please fill out an online contact form and our office will be in touch with you!

CLick Here To Contact Us

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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