Dermal Fillers in San Antonio, TX

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers based on hyaluronic acid gently replace what has been lost in the skin due to the aging process. Hyaluronic acid is a sugar compound that occurs naturally in the human body, aiding in the lubrication of joints and eyes, and moisturizing the skin. Although the body produces this acid naturally, production diminishes with age, and the skin shows signs of sun damage, stress, and other factors. Applying hyaluronic acid in areas where lines and creases have formed fills lines immediately while also encouraging ongoing production for months of beauty.

Beginning at about age 30, men and women lose approximately one teaspoon (that five ml or the equivalent of five syringes) of volume – fat, muscle, bone, and collagen – from the face annually. Your skin doesn’t stretch or get loose; you simply lose some of the infrastructure that keeps it in place. By the time you are 40 or 50 years old, it becomes noticeable. As your face begins to deflate, you look drawn. Lines and wrinkles appear. In these cases, dermal fillers can be a terrific solution.

You can hear Dr. Bucay discuss fillers for facial contouring with Dermcast.TV here

Benefits of Facial Fillers

While most of these products were originally approved as “line fillers,” in the hands of a trained, experienced dermatologist they are extremely effective in replacing lost facial volume to restore a natural foundation for your skin.

What to Expect During Dermal Filler Treatment?

This treatment can take anywhere between 15 to 30 minutes in duration, so be prepared to sit still for a little while! The injections are performed with small amounts of filler applied in specific locations on the face. Dr. Bucay and Dr. Bhandari will utilize a very small needle to perform these injections.

Do not worry about pain; injections are reported to feel like small pinches. However, you will have the option to have a topical anesthetic applied prior to your procedure.

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Facial Filler Recovery

After the procedure, some patients report a redness or swelling in the treatment area for a period of 1-3 days. While rare, bruising can occur in some cases, and if it does occur it will typically resolve within one week.

Be sure to stay away from Vitamin E products or aspirin based painkillers. Consuming either can lead to increased bruising to the treated area.

Results of dermal fillers are usually visible right away. You should notice a more plump, youthful look to your face. Most fillers can last from 6 months to a year in terms of results.

Restylane Refyne

Bucay Center for Dermatology & Aesthetics is proud to announce the arrival of Restylane Refyne

Restylane, Juvederm, and Belotero

Products with brand names like RestylaneJuvederm, and Belotero are composed of hyaluronic acid, a sugar derived compound. This stable, bio-identical form of HA is created in a medical laboratory; not derived from animals, so there is little risk of allergic reaction. It is just like the HA that keeps skin supple, lubricates joints, and comprises eye fluid. HA has the amazing property of holding 1,000 times its weight in water. As you age, your body produces less HA, contributing to the development of wrinkles around the nose and mouth (called nasolabial folds) or “marionette” lines that run from the corners of the mouth to the chin. Hyaluronic acid fillers can significantly reduce the appearance of these wrinkles. Usually only one injection session is needed for amazing results.

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a biocompatible calcium hydroxylapatite gel. It replenishes volume immediately, and stimulates gradual collagen production to give skin additional structure. Radiesse yields natural looking, long lasting results.

What is Sculptra?

Dr. Bucay and Dr. Bhandari find Sculptra Aesthetic’s poly-L-lactic acid formulation to be one of the most effective injectable fillers, or more precisely, a biostimulator. She even uses it on herself! The main ingredient is a powdered form of the material used for absorbable sutures. Sculptra is for the “patient patient” – injections trigger the body to produce natural collagen, discreetly over time. These results are long lasting, making Sculptra ideal for temples and cost effective anywhere a larger amount of volume replenishment is needed.

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Skin tightening techniques such as Pellevé and Ultherapy can further enhance the results of Sculptra.

RHA® Collection of Filler

Wrinkles and folds can be difficult to treat because dermal fillers may cause the area to appear stiff or unnatural when the face moves. RHA® Collection is designed to be resilient enough to adapt to your facial movement, which may provide a more natural look at rest and in motion.

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Schedule a Dermal Fillers Consult Today!

Dr. Bucay and Dr. Bhandari apply their experience to revitalize your existing features. Ethically and artistically, our office refuses to give you what Mother Nature did not – it would result in an unnatural appearance. Our patients look refreshed and rejuvenated, not “done.”

Call Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics at  210.692.3000 in La Casita or  210.370.9995 in Sonterra to schedule your rejuvenation consultation! You can also fill out the appointment request form on this page, and our staff will help you set up your meeting.

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01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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