Perioral Dermatitis Treatment in San Antonio, TX

Do you regularly use face creams, moisturizers, or topical steroid creams? Have you noticed an itchy, red rash has started to appear around your mouth, nose, and cheeks? If you have noticed this, you may be experiencing perioral dermatitis.

Perioral dermatitis will often go away with proper treatment. Dr. Vivian Bucay is dedicated to helping diagnosis perioral dermatitis and come up with a successful treatment plan for this skin condition.

What is Perioral Dermatitis?

Perioral dermatitis is a common skin condition that results in the development of a rash. The rash will appear on the face, especially around the nose and cheeks. In some cases, this rash may spread to the eyes, but it rarely forms on the lips or the corner of the mouth.

It is unclear exactly what causes this rash to form. Some think that this rash forms as a result of overuse of moisturizers, topical steroid creams, or facial creams.

Perioral dermatitis typically lasts anywhere from several weeks to a year. Seeking treatment from Dr. Bucay can help speed up your recovery time.

What are the Symptoms of Perioral Dermatitis?

The development of clusters of tiny, pus-filled bumps is the most common symptom of perioral dermatitis. The bumps measure approximately 1 to 2 millimeters. The rash may be painful or itchy.

Before the rash forms, some people may experience a burning, tingling sensation right where the rash will form. This is often considered a warning sign that a rash is about to form.

How is Perioral Dermatitis Diagnosed?

Dr. Bucay can make a diagnosis of perioral dermatitis with a brief physical examination of the rash. This physical examination combined with your answers to several questions can help her determine if the rash is caused by perioral dermatitis.

What Treatment is Available for Perioral Dermatitis?

The first step in treating perioral dermatitis is discovering the cause of the rash. Dr. Bucay will often ask you to stop using any facial moisturizers, lotions, and creams, especially if they contain a topical steroid.

After stopping the use of any products that may be causing the rash, Dr. Bucay can provide you with recommendations on how to treat your perioral dermatitis. Treatment recommendations can include the use of antibiotic pills and creams that may contain benzoyl peroxide, sodium sulfacetamine with sulfur, or metronidazole.

It may be tempting to want to put moisturizers and locations on the rash to sooth the itchy, but it may make it worse. Before putting any creams, lotions, or gels on the rash, it is best to discuss it with Dr. Bucay.

Perioral dermatitis is a treatable condition. Schedule a visit with Dr. Bucay to learn more about this condition and to receive a personalized treatment plan that can help you find relief from the itching.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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