Dysport And Xeomin in San Antonio, TX

Over time, small frown lines begin to form between the eyebrows. Many people just assume this is a natural part of the aging process and leave it untreated, but there is a simple solution that is available – Dysport and Xeomin.

What is Dysport?

Dysport is an injectable solution, made by Galderma, that will help treat or improve the appearance of moderate to severe frown lines that have formed between the eyebrows. It is very similar to other cosmetic procedures, such as Botox, but it does not have the potential to temporarily hinder facial movements or change the overall appearance of the face.

What is Xeomin?

Xeomin is a prescription injection, made by MERZ, that is used to help temporarily improve facial aesthetics. This prescription injection is a solution that contains botulinum toxin type A. It specifically targets moderate to severe frown lines that have appeared between the eyebrows. San Antonio Dermatologists Dr. Bucay and Dr. Bhandari can help you explore whether or not Xeomin is the right solution for your current needs.

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Who is a Good Candidate for Dysport & Xeomin?

Dysport and Xeomin are intended for use by men and women under the age of 65 who have moderate to severe frown lines that formed between the eyebrows. People wishing to dramatically reduce the appearance of these fine lines and wrinkles in as little as one office visit are good candidates for this type of procedure.

Who Should Not Consider Using Dysport or Xeomin?

Dysport or Xeomin should not be used by anyone who has an allergy to any of the ingredients in the injection. People with allergies to cow’s milk protein or any botulinum toxin should not use either injection. Our staff will ask you a series of health-related questions and perform a brief visual inspection of your skin. This will help us determine if Dysport or Xeomin is the treatment of choice to help you.

Some facial conditions and/or recent cosmetic procedures may prevent you from being a good candidate for the use of Dysport or Xeomin. For example, people with sagging eyelid folds, deep facial scars, oily skin, and weak facial muscles may have difficulty seeing results from the injections and therefore should consider using another form of treatment.

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“We asked Dr. Bucay to give us all the details on how the treatment works, who is the best candidate, and what differs between this formula and its injectable counterparts. Read on for your crash course in the treatment, either if you’re considering it, or for the sake of pure curiosity.”

Click here to read Dr. Vivian Bucay’s full interview about BOTOX with InStyle Magazine

What to Expect During Treatment

When you schedule an appointment for Dysport or Xeomin at Bucay Center for Dermatology and Aesthetics, you can expect to spend approximately 30 minutes with us. The actual treatment takes approximately 10-20 minutes. We will put a single injection into five different points in the area over your eyebrows.

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What to Expect After Dysport or Xeomin Treatment

After treatment has been administered, we will provide you with a cold pack or cold compress. You will need to hold the compress over the injection site for several minutes. This prevents the area from swelling after treatment and reduces any pain or discomfort.

How Long Do Dysport and Xeomin Injections Last?

Xeomin and Dysport are both temporary and last for a short period of time. Results from the injection are noticeable after the first appointment and will last up to four months. We encourage our patients to schedule another treatment after 2 to 4 months to keep the frown lines from reappearing.

Dysport Before and After

How Do Dysport® and Xeomin® Compare to BOTOX®?

These three FDA-approved cosmetic injectables are all categorized as neurotoxins. Neuromodulators is another term to describe them. This indicates that they work by interrupting certain neurons that are at work in a physical process. In this case, they work by interrupting the messages from the nervous system that cause muscles to contract. If they all do the same thing, then why have more than one product? That's a great question!

Botox is the OG wrinkle-reducing injectable, the Old Guard, have you. It's the product that is most recognizable around the world. It gets its name from the presence of botulinum toxin type A. In addition to a very low amount of botulinum toxin, BOTOX also has minute amounts of sodium chloride and albumin. The results of BOTOX last an average of three to six months.

Dysport came after BOTOX as a newer neuromodulator to treat frown lines, crow's feet, and other dynamic wrinkles. It gained FDA approval back in 2009. Like BOTOX, Dysport contains botulinum toxin type A and ancillary ingredients. The purpose of these substances is to improve the efficacy of Dysport's muscle-relaxing effects. All ingredients in this cosmetic drug have been thoroughly tested and proven both safe and effective. The difference that's been identified here is that more Dysport is used to achieve the desired effect. The benefit to the increase is that Dysport can be ideal for larger areas like the forehead. Results can last approximately four months but, in some people, they last longer.Xeomin was first used in America a year after Dysport gained FDA approval. The FDA approved Xeomin a year after it became available, in 2011. This means that we have a good idea about the uses, safety, efficacy, and overall results of Xeomin at this point. Like the other neuromodulators to come before it, Xeomin works through the active ingredient, botulinum toxin type A. However, one significant difference between Xeomin and both BOTOX and Dysport is that it has no additional ingredients. The advantage here is that Xeomin may be suitable for people with more sensitive skin.

Are Dysport and Xeomin Safe and Effective?

Being made of botulinum toxin type A, all neuromodulators may create concern about overall safety. This particular strain of bacteria is, after all, what causes botulism. The difference between that infection and the use of these common cosmetic injectables is that the latter are carefully manufactured with just the right amount of neurotoxin to deliver results without causing illness. BOTOX, Dysport, and Xeomin are all made using purified ingredients. Every one of these products has been through rigorous testing before gaining FDA approval, and all have been proven safe and effective. Keep in mind that BOTOX originated from a therapeutic treatment in which higher doses of the active ingredient were administered to treat muscular disorders. The amount of botulinum toxin contained in cosmetic treatments is much lower, which results in only mild, temporary side effects.

Schedule a Consultation

We recommend credentialing your injector. Dr. Bucay and Dr. Bhandari are Board Certified dermatologists and recognized as Expert Injectors. Dr. Vivian Bucay and Dr. Rachna Bhandari are qualified to administer Dysport and Xeomin to our patients. Schedule an appointment today to discuss either of these injections are right for you. Call 210.692.3000 in La Casita and 210.370.9995 in Sonterra today! We serve San Antonio, TX and surrounding areas.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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