The bad news is: cellulite, the dimples and bumps we see when our fat is divided into tiny pockets in the skin, is nearly unavoidable. It appears when collagen fibers that bind fat to our skin stretch and tear, allowing our fat cells to expand.
That dimpled, puckered-looking skin has long been considered impossible to fix.
There’s still nothing that can prevent it from forming, but new technology is helping make cellulite less noticeable. But before the good news, here are a few facts about cellulite:
It’s more common in women than men
- Women’s collagen is arranged in parallel rows that lend themselves to a “compartmentalization” of fat, which makes cellulite visible
- Men’s collagen is arranged in an X-pattern, creating only small fat compartments, which don’t allow for dimpling of the skin
Creams may help a bit - Products that have caffeine: stimulates blood flow and temporarily shrinks fat cells
- Products that have retinol: helps repair cells over time
- Neither actually get rid of cellulite
Exercise may help a bit - Foam roller exercises can help
- Interval training burns fat, even after you’re through working out, making cellulite less noticeable
Losing weight may help a bit - More body fat does usually mean more visible cellulite
- Your tissue is still stretched and damaged even after you lose weight
- Inflammation and hormonal imbalances have a bigger affect on how much cellulite you have
Sun makes it worse - UV rays can damage collagen, making cellulite more noticeable
- Use sunscreen everywhere and anywhere the sun might touch
Discover a new cellulite-attacking method — that works
The Cellfina™ System is the newest minimally invasive cellulite treatment approved by the FDA. A hand-help device uses a blade about the size of a needle, inserted just beneath the skin’s surface. Dr. Bucay snips the tight, puckered, primary structural cause of cellulite, resulting in a smoother and healthier look for your buttocks and thighs.
Call today for a Celfina consultation: (210) 692-3000 or (210) 370-9995. This may be the year you get back the desire and the confidence to wear a bathing suit and shorts again.