What Ultherapy Does
Ultherapy is a device that sends high intensity focused ultrasound into the deeper layers of tissue beneath the skin. Not just a deeper layer of tissue, but the “facelift” layer; the same tissue that a surgeon would reposition during a facelift. This is also referred to as the SMAS, or superficial muscular aponeurotic system. Experts agree that changing this layer of tissue changes the look of the face. The ultrasound waves that penetrate the SMAS result in tightening of this important anatomical structure.
How Ultherapy Works
All devices that emit energy, be it radiofrequency, lasers, or ultrasound, work by stimulating the body’s natural wound-healing functions. Energy penetration tricks the body into thinking the affected area has been wounded. In response, the immune system directs fibroblast cells to produce more collagen. Collagen is the protein that heals scrapes and cuts. It is also the protein that gives skin and superficial tissue its firmness and youthful appearance. Where Ultherapy stands out is in the depth of energy penetration. As mentioned, ultrasound energy gets absorbed into the deep anatomy of the face. With other energy devices, only superficial layers of tissue are reached. This achieves benefits such as pigment improvement, but it doesn’t do much to tighten the skin in a meaningful way.
The Elephant in the Room
If you’re researching Ultherapy, we are going to assume you’ve heard that this treatment can be quite uncomfortable. No one wants to endure 60 to 90 minutes of pain, even when the results are as good as they are with Ultherapy. We get it. We wouldn’t want that, either. When considering Ultherapy, there are a few things to consider. The first is that devices get revamped every now and then. First generation Ultherapy devices were more intense in energy output than newer models, which are gentler without being less efficient. The second detail that needs to be known is that providers who have been conducting Ultherapy treatments for as long as Dr. Bucay know how to maximize comfort for each patient. Typically, a combination of ibuprofen and acetaminophen does the trick just fine.
Learn firsthand how Ultherapy can take years off of facial aging. Call one of our San Antonio offices to schedule your consultation.