If you’ve ever broken out in a case of hives, you know how irritating, itchy and painful they can be. Hives can be caused by stress, allergies, or an overload on certain vitamins.
Along with red, itchy bumps, hives can be accompanied by swelling under the skin. Symptoms can be worse in some people than others. Hives isn’t fatal, but if you develop angioedema of the tongue, lungs or throat, it could block your ability to breath. If you feel a tightness in the chest, wheezing, swollen tongue or dizziness, you should contact a doctor or go to the hospital immediately.
You can treat hives with over-the-counter treatments such as pills, ointments and creams. These can treat the itching and redness. Wear loose clothing to stop irritation. Cold compresses and cloths can also help ease the symptoms.
A few facts about hives:
- Patches of the rash can disappear from one area of the body and reappear in another several times over the course of a day.
- Typically, hives come in sudden flare ups.
- They are red, itchy areas of raised spots that last 12 hours or less.
- Taking antihistamines is your best bet to getting rid of hives.
- Staying cool will help ease the discomfort.