Men! You can Sculpt that Jawline!

Kybella San Antonio TX | Double Chin Reduction A sculpted jaw line is the hallmark of a young man’s face. Are you envisioning the young Tom Cruise, or maybe modern-day David Beckham? Whomever it is that has the jawline you want doesn’t matter. What matters is that your jaw line is not what you used to have. We find that, more and more, men are expressing interest in the same cosmetic treatments their female counterparts are getting. Men want to feel good as they age, and sometimes, excess skin and tissue around the chin are what stand in the way of that.

Double-chin Takes the Win

Once fatty tissue begins to accumulate below the chin, it seems like a battle you just can’t win. Submental fullness is notorious for sticking around no matter what you try, even extreme diet and exercise are often no match for this hard-to-touch area. Historically, men have had to live with it or succumb to the idea of cosmetic surgery. Since a large percentage of men remain strong in their desire to “not have work done,” Kybella makes an excellent solution for their concerns.

Kybella is the relatively new kid on the block of cosmetic injectables. The FDA has approved this drug for the specific purpose of melting away those stubborn fat cells that make up a double-chin. Kybella is a deoxycholic acid solution. The body makes its deoxycholic acid to break down dietary fat, but it doesn’t extend into the area of targeted fat loss. That is what we do. By introducing this compound into the fat cells beneath the chin, we force targeted absorption. As cells are penetrated, they slowly dismantle and die off.

Know the Nuances

Dr. Bucay is familiar with the nuances of facial anatomy, and the differences between men and women and what they may want. She also recognizes that the thickness of a man’s skin may dictate the need for more treatments. The Kybella protocol is scheduled over a few months’ time. This gives us the opportunity to observe progress from one month to the next, making sure that overtreatment does not occur.

Kybella is an excellent double-chin treatment, but it is not the only treatment that men appreciate for jaw line definition. To explore the treatments options that may be suited to your needs, contact our Sonterra or La Casita office.

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01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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Talia Noorily MD

A Message from Dr. Bucay: Champions for Change Gala

This year I am honored to join the committee for the Champions for Change Gala, taking place on May 10, 2023 at Ziegfield Ballroom in NYC.

Champions for Change Gala
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