Bye, Bye, Summer!

While we don’t often revel in saying goodbye to summer, there are some advantages to a break from the bright, hot sun that has filled the San Antonio skies in recent months. One is that we are slightly less vulnerable to the damaging ultraviolet rays that are present wherever we go. Actually, we are always susceptible to sun damage, so be wary of falling for the notion that you don’t need sunscreen during the remainder of the year. Sunscreen is always a must because it provides a buffer between the skin and the ultraviolet light that can cause skin cancer and premature aging. One of the common signs of sun damage is sunspots, a pesky problem that can be corrected with a few Fall skincare treatments.

How We Can Help

The staff in our La Casita and Sonterra offices have a wealth of experience that is put to good use helping patients resolve cosmetic and medical dermatologic concerns. When it comes to sunspots, studies suggest there are a few approaches that can be taken. Interestingly, many include light.

  • Cutera Excel V is a gentle laser treatment that takes less than 30 minutes to address the entire face. During this short visit, laser light is delivered via a handheld applicator that the provider passes over the skin. Pigmented cells absorb light, bringing discoloration up to the surface where it can be shed.
  • IPL photofacial treatments emit a broad spectrum of light to target either hemoglobin or melanin. The absorption of light superheats these substances to break apart deposits that cause discoloration like sunspots.
  • Fraxel Dual is a fractional laser resurfacing technique that addresses multiple problems simultaneously. Pinpoints of laser energy create microchannels of heat that pass through the epidermis to affect the dermis. As a result of collagen stimulation, sun damage decreases along with fine lines, enlarged pores, and other problems.
  • ResurFX is another fractional laser resurfacing treatment, one that is commonly performed on the face but is also gentle enough for the neck and chest.
  • Dermasweep may be an excellent skin care treatment for those who have yet to notice the signs of sun damage. This gentle microdermabrasion technique goes beyond the removal of surface debris and includes the infusion of nourishing serums that support healthy, vibrant skin.

There is no way to avoid sun damage altogether, but there are ways to keep your skin looking and feeling great. Call one of our San Antonio offices today to schedule your after-summer beauty treatment.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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