Show Dad Some Love

Each year, professional organizations like the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports data regarding popular procedures. Recently, reports reveal that there has been an ongoing increase in interest in procedures for men. At our Sonterra and La Casita offices in San Antonio, we see this demonstrated in the growing popularity of nonsurgical treatments among men in our area. With Father’s Day just around the corner, we can’t think of a better way to get out of the gift-giving rut than with a rejuvenating treatment for the special man in your life.

Popular Cosmetic Treatments for Men

Cosmetic treatments aren’t what they sound like. They are procedures designed to correct common concerns such as:

  • Hair loss. Many men begin to notice thinning hair sometime around age 40. Early treatment with platelet-rich plasma can stimulate aging hair follicles to resume proper function before hair loss becomes severe.
  • Facial aging. Men are susceptible to the signs of aging such as jowls and deep creases in superficial tissue. Dr. Bucay has a number of treatments to address these concerns. Skin-tightening with Ultherapy can give Dad back his sharp, youthful jawline. Dermal fillers can smooth even deeper creases on the forehead or around the mouth.
  • Turkey neck and double chin. Often, the neck goes downhill in more ways than one. The accumulation of fatty tissue beneath the chin creates fullness that ages the face. Loosened skin sags, exacerbating this fullness. To eliminate unwanted fat from this area, we can perform Kybella or CoolSculpting. Like the face, the neck can also be tightened with Ultherapy.
  • Dad Bod. If Dad has been yearning for his old physical self and his diet and exercise program aren’t getting him quite where he wants to be, a little nonsurgical intervention can help. We are pleased to offer emsulpt, an innovative treatment that literally tones muscles with deep electro-stimulation equal to 20,000 squats or crunches.

Remember Dad in a big way this year. Contact an office near you to schedule a revitalizing, relaxing treatment with Dr. Bucay or one of our experienced staff. Dad will be smiling for months to come!

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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