“Resting Bitch Face:” What’s the Deal?

No one wants to be told they have what has been dubbed a “resting bitch face.” First of all, whose place is it to describe a woman as such? Beyond that, though, because RBF is a notable and common problem, we think it’s important to discuss what this is, what it does, and what you can do about your facial anatomy to bring out your friendlier side.

The Face that Defies Reality

If you have RBF, you probably know it. While you go about your day feeling fine, happy even, you get asked: “are you ok?” You may receive instruction from well-meaning colleagues, family, or strangers to “smile!” The reason this happens is that, when your face is in a resting position, meaning you’re not actively smiling, your expression is either lacking entirely or portraying anger or distaste.

A “resting bitch face” may be the result of the natural aging process. Changes to the underlying bone anatomy and overlying fatty tissue result in a downward shift. This primarily affects the eyes and the mouth, the two areas that humans observe to gain information about others. A downturned mouth and heavy eyelids send unspoken messages that we may be generally unfriendly and unapproachable, even when this is the farthest thing from the truth.

RBF isn’t reserved for the middle-aged adult, either. Many younger women express frustration that their face is wrongly perceived due to downturned corners of the mouth. In this scenario, it is the pull of the depressor anguli oris muscle at the chin that causes the problem.

What RBF Does to Your Life

It could be said the resting bitch face affects the quality of life. More than creating frustration, the face that portrays distaste and contempt, according to studies, sends messages that may keep others from creating that initial bond with you. This is a significant matter both socially and professionally. Furthermore, studies have suggested that facial expression affects the brain. So, if your face is in a negative expression, your brain is more likely to feel negative emotion.

Turn Your Frown Upside Down

As we have learned more about the concerns that arise with age or as a result of anatomical structure, science has developed ways to deal with them. In many situations, a downturned mouth can be addressed quickly and successfully with Botox or dermal fillers, as can frown lines and heavy eyelids.

Bring out your friendlier face with personalized treatment conducted in the comfort of one of our San Antonio offices. Contact us at 210-692-3000 (La Casita) or 210-370-9995 (Sonterra) today to schedule your visit.

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02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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