Refresh Your Skin with a Chemical Peel

Teenage girl before and after acne treatment Youthful skin doesn’t just look good, it feels good, too. Years of sun exposure, poor diet, poor sleep, and just simply getting older diminish the skin’s radiance, firmness, and smoothness. To either correct these issues or prevent them, we perform medical-grade chemical peel treatment.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels have been common for many, many years, even before the development of precisely-formulated products. This treatment is a wonderful solution for a wide variety of skin concerns. Whether you’ve begun to notice the signs of aging or sun damage or you want to get ahead of the beauty game, a chemical peel can be an excellent tool to keep in your back pocket. The treatment delivers a flawless complexion by applying a refined acid formula to the skin. This formula targets fine lines, hyperpigmentation, acne, pores, and a host of other imperfections that inevitably show up as we age.

Got Acne?

Many people think that if they have acne, they cannot get a chemical peel. This is not true. Chemical peels can be amazing for acne-prone skin. This is because the peel can pull the debris and oil out of pores, preventing them from trapping acne-causing bacteria. The acid solution can break up the gunk that causes blackheads and provide the exfoliation that helps discoloration and acne scars fade away. If you have acne and want to know more about how chemical peel treatment can help you, schedule a visit with Dr. Bucay to discuss your concerns and options.

The Chemical Peel Process

All patients who receive a chemical peel first engage in a thorough consultation with Dr. Bucay or a trained member of our team. This first step is vital in understanding the appropriateness of a peel at a given point in time. For the treatment itself, the provider begins by cleansing the skin. Then, they apply the chemical solution using a soft brush. The solution remains on the skin for a designated time, usually only a few minutes. As the solution permeates the epidermis, it may cause mild stinging, tingling, or warming. Patients notice but remain comfortable throughout the process. After the allotted time, the provider removes the acid solution and cleanses the skin again. A nourishing serum or moisturizer may be applied. In the days after the chemical peel, the skin may flake, redden, or peel. During this process, it is important to allow the skin to slough naturally. Do not help it with harsh rubbing, pulling, or picking. To do so creates a risk of hyperpigmentation. Also, patients are advised to avoid sun exposure after their chemical peel because their fresh, new skin cells are susceptible to damage. Over time, as the exfoliation process completes, the skin looks and feels renewed.

Benefits of Chemical Peels

The chemical peel process is proven to be safe and effective for most people. Because a thorough skin examination is done beforehand, we know that our patients are good candidates before deciding that a peel would be beneficial for them. One of the reasons adults of all ages like chemical peel treatments is because they are convenient. Very little time is taken away from normal activities, if any at all. The effects of the peel begin to build immediately and can be seen more prominently within a week of the procedure. Light to medium peels are gentle enough to have done at last a few times a year. In maintaining a regular peel schedule, it is possible to slow the formation of fine lines and sunspots, provided that sunscreen is also used judiciously in between treatments.

Give your skin the pick-me-up it deserves. Contact us today to schedule your consultation for chemical peel treatment at our La Casita or Sonterra office in San Antonio.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Bucay, Dr. Bhandari and Dr. Noorily.

02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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