What Does a Cosmetic Dermatologist Do?

botox-frownlines-300x1991 Cosmetic dermatologists can be trained in several different areas of cosmetic surgery. Leaders in the industry, cosmetic surgeons take care of many different dermatological issues. Training to become one of these doctors consists of medical and surgical training before three years of dermatology. In the United States, cosmetic dermatology is one of the most competitive fields.

Dermatologists can participate and specialize in chosen areas that they feel match their interests and skills. For instance, some may follow courses in surgical dermatology. Others may train in the use of fillers and Botox. Other areas for study and specialization include facelifts, liposuction, and blepharoplasty.

Dermatopathology is another area of the field that can be explored. This is a person who specializes in the pathology of the skin. A person who follows this path will understand the general principles of both pathology in general and dermatopathology, which is specifically the skin. Other areas of specialty include immunodermatology, which treats skin diseases like bullous pemphigoid and lupus and Mohs surgery, which is a specialty that removes skin cancers.

Dermatologists provide therapies including laser hair removal, hair transplantation, tattoo removal, laser therapy, cosmetic filler injections, radiation therapy, and cryosurgery. These are the procedures to remove skin cancers or precancerous growths, as well as make cosmetic changes to enhance the appearance of their patients. Some dermatologists will also make use of phototherapy (light therapy), which uses broadband UVB, narrowband UVB, psoralen, and UVB.

If you are thinking of having a cosmetic procedure done, do some research to make sure you are using the best professional you can. Gather information about the procedure you want done, and then ask your doctor any questions you have.

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02. Help her understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“Very comfortable environment, all staff very were very professional, and Dr. Bucay was a delight. She is an artist with the skills and compassion that focus specifically on the clients needs. Dr. Bucay is amazing.”

–Jorie K.


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